I think if Molly didn't get bullied when she was younger she woudn't be a motivational speaker. If she was not bullied she wouldn't have motivation. If she didn't get bullied she wouldn't have a motivational story and that would be why she wouldn't be a motivational speaker.
After having ms Canada speak to us about human smuggling and traffiking. I know now what"s going on in the world. I feel that human trafficking is terrible espesially that it can happen anytime anyplace. I feel that a minimum sentencing for smuggling and traffiking should be more then 5 years. A question I have though is will humsn smuggling traffiking and all these sorts of things stop?
My favorite part of wonder was when Auggie got his new dog bear and when he when on his trip with the school. One thing I learned was that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Auggie looked wierd (his face) but just because he looked wierd doesnt mean his a wierd or a loser. I thought this book was very good. I would rate it 4 and a half out of 5. I hope there will be a wonder 2.
MY first resolution is to fight less with my brother, so far it is going good I have not fought with him yet. I will do this by having less arguements of silly things we shouldn't argue about. My second resolution is to pick up my grades in french by participating more, I dont know how this is going because I haven't had french yet where I've had this resolution.
During the break I went to Kamloops. While I was there I went to the wildlife park. it was pretty cold there was a ton of snow though that me and my brother played in. At the wildlife park we went on a train to only animal that wasnt asleep or hibernating were the bison. We also saw a lot of lights. WE stayed from Saturday til Monday morning. It was pretty fun.
If I had a reindeer from Santa as a pet. The wat I would take care of it is......... I would try to make him a little house in the yard,cozy but big enough for a reindeer. I would give it a big box of carrots and water I would also rename it from Prancer to something like.........Thunderball!!!! no thats not good, eh I'll think about it. The next thing I would do is play games with him so he doesn't get bored and so he gets his exercise. I would teach him new tricks then pulling a sleigh and flying. That is what I would do if I had one of Santa's reindeer to take care of. 
I think that all the people in the school are being really mean to August. I think that when they started the plague that it was something that was very mean and shouldn't have been started. Just because August looks weird doesn't mean he's
In Math I have been learning about fractions I now know what a fraction is and what a inproper fractions. In Science I have been learning about the 5 kingdoms. At first I didn't understand them very good now I know exactly what the five kingdoms are. Also we have been learning about making a piece of writing going from 
While reading the book I have started to wonder about August and if he is going to tell his parents about how Julien has been treating him with the fire and the star wars character. Another thing I wonder about is if Julien will ever get better and used to August so he won't bully and be mean to August later. Also I wonder if August will ever make any friends on his own so he's not always alone and at recess and lunch.